Exam weeks started!

Monday, November 29, 2010 6:04 PM Posted by Courney Chong 0 comments
It finally is my turn to have my exam weeks!! *although not preparing well, muka still cant wait for it to come! cuz after this is my holiday and my 2nd sem to be with me~yoohoo~
Just finished my 1st paper- Sains Pemikiran dan Etika few days ago..and I have to wait about 10 days for my 2nd paper and the following papers..waiting is such a tortured moment for me..really dislike it..haiz
Btw, I should use the 'holiday' wisely- of course to do my revision and go to Alor Setar..haha..
An interesting picture which edited by my senior. hehe..so creative, rite?
He's hoping the ultraman to save him from the examination hall XD
lol..may god bless him.
I think the only way to save us from the exam hall is only depend on ourselves
Gambateh! and good luck for my friends who still have their test now and of cuz good luck to me too!!

Btw, I found a senior's blog which is quite interesting and fun!
Please click here
It can make u have a laugh..hehe..smile XD
Pikachu on the Censelori!
Omg..I really feel lucky to study in UUM! Quite an interesting place!


Monday, November 15, 2010 4:24 PM Posted by Courney Chong 0 comments
Viewing my friend's uploaded pictures, suddenly came out with a crazy actually not so crazy lah idea on my mind: I must go for a visit to Zoo for once with my bf..and there's no excuses to say no about it (lol..if and only if I have bf lah..haha)
hehe...I know it's kinda childish to have this thinking... But to be honesty, I do love to go these kind of places... at least it's a place to relax myself from this stressful world...
Travel around the world always my dream!
but yet everyone is hoping to become a millionaire or billionaire cuz we all know about that money is important in this realistic world
without money, no traveling chances for me, life becomes hard and blablabla..there's the real world
Becoming a millionaire? Nor...that's not my dream...I know I not capable to do it..haha... cuz i'm kinda a person who like to use money to my satisfaction to the fullest.
Wealth or health? People is always struggled among them...
Love, friends and family? Also always the dilemma for certain situations...

Btw, I know i'm kind a person who loves herself more than others... hmm.. if in bad word, it called selfish. However, if u dont love yourself, how can u will get the love from others?
lol, I know it sounds bad. But it always the fact that I read always...
No pain no gain... I dreamed of him again these days... Not because i miss him so much and I dont know why he will appear in my dream... But I felt glad that I no more heart broken feeling anymore cuz I know it's worthless to be to do so ( the pain makes me learn to let go... a must... and I did it from the moment I started to talk with him again)
However, for one thing, I sort of on the way to be suicide... Yeah..I know it... damaging my wealth... will be regreted it when I'm getting old.
Dont worry. There's no drugs, no alcohol on me. =)
Dream, dreams, dreamssss...
always the motivation for us to move forward! gambateh!

*a post to talking about my feeling, my darker face, and mostly is I think too much le..haha)

changed schedule and random feelings

There have been a lot of changes in the academic calendar but now its been finalized not just for UUM but by the KPT (Ministry of Higher Education) themselves. Here are the new calendar:-


08 November 2010 - 20 November 2010 - Exceptional holiday
21 November 2010 - 13 December 2010 - Exam period
14 December 2010 - 14 January 2011 - Semester break

SESSION A102 (JANUARY 2011 - MAY 2011)
15 January 2011 - 02 February 2011 (3 weeks) - Learning period
03 February 2011 - 11 February 2011 (1 week) - Chinese New Year/ Mid semester holiday
12 February 2011 - 28 April 2011 (11 weeks) - Learning period
29 April 2011 - 06 May 2011 (1 week) - Study week
7 May 2011 - 26 May 2011 (3 weeks) - Exam period
27 May 2011 - 09 September 2011 (15 weeks) - Semester break

*Any other changes will not happen unless its convenient to.

I had been quite shocked when I received this news! especially for the holiday dates of CNY and final which had been changed!
I started to be nervous and think a lots at that moment as this changes would be affecting my 2 plans in the future- My fovourite cousin's s wedding(before CNY) and HK trip (sem break)
I sincerely hope that the final test wont be postponed anymore..as it supposed to be started before 13th May 2011 if according to the previous schedule..haiz..
If the final test is crush on my date to have a flight to HK (2/6), I will lose RM275 and my first chance to have a visit at oversea..that's really sound very bad to me
and made me feel emo these days too..till I lost my temper on my friend (though I had apologized to him ytd..but still sorry for him)

Everything will be ok? Well, I don't know....as well as we don't know our future..

I always wondering can I find a good job which is related to what I studied now after I graduate..
(to convince myself, my course would be better than BBA cuz it's consider as a profession..
I know there is no regret for what had I chosen...and I wont regret about it ( it's my decision after I think many times)
Already 20 years old..and we are aging everyday and every moment...
I know appreciate what we have now is very important..everyone knows this theory...
But starting to plan our life- managing our schedule, managing our financial system, getting preparation well before we enter the real and realistic world is very important too ( though we already on the half way entering to that world..and we shall started the planning as early as we could...)
Btw, planning is always changes with the passing time...no return, no regrets, till the end...

你是属于哪种人?try this, damn accurate!!!

2:14 PM Posted by Courney Chong 0 comments
1. 你有吃早餐的习惯? 有~~2 没有~~3

2. 你养过宠物? 有~~7 没有~~3

3. 你有工作经验? 有~~7 没有~~4

4. 你有好的运动细胞? 有~~8 没有~~5

5. 你现在正在减肥? 是~~9 不是~~6

6. 你认为看电影一定要吃零食? 是~~9 不是~~10

7. 你觉得地球上出现过外星人? 有~~8 没有~~11

8. 你曾有过很多恋情? 是~~12 不是~~9

9. 你很少看漫画书? 是~~13 不是~~10

10. 你到KTV就会唱个不停? 是~~13 不是~~14

11. 你喜欢吃三明治? 喜欢~~14 不喜欢~~12

12. 你会自创不同的菜式? 会~~15 不会~~13

13. 你很会画插画? 是~~A型 不是~~B型

14. 你喜欢格子图案? 喜欢~~C型 不喜欢~~D型

15. 你很想出国上学? 是~~E型 不是F型

16. 你曾参加过某明星的后援会? 有~~G型 没有~~H型

不 管是熟人还是陌生人,你都会主动与对方交谈,你给人的感觉很活泼也很大方且并不唐突,所以你并不惹人讨厌,你给人的第一个印象不错,你的思维过于活跃,所 以身边总是很多朋友,但知心的并没有几个,你太贪玩,表面看似和谁都能相约吃饭,逛街,做一些亲密的事,这样会让你真正的好朋友怀疑到底与你之间的友谊是 哪种,对方可能不能确定与你要好的程度,而如果对方又是不喜欢表达的人,这种情绪会越积越多,到最后不可负荷时,爆发出来,可能受伤的反而是你。所以注意 一下自己的表现,你应该对不管是友情还是其他感情,都有鲜明的态度,这样才不会有不必要的误会和遗憾。

有 你在的地方一定有欢笑,你善良,调皮,任性,霸道与贴心。你看起来活泼好动,但实际内心深处,你有些自卑而自负,你希望自己能把事情做到最好,你很在乎别 人对你的评价,你的性格像小孩,单纯直接,情绪化,喜怒哀乐写在脸上,你没有心机,但也缺少些自我保护的能力,你表面看来很容易相处,但想要走进你的内心 世界其实并不容易,你需要人家的鼓励,包容,宠爱和肯定,其实你也常常自我反省,你希望自己能做到起码80%的完美,但你似乎没那个毅力,所以你的情绪变 化无常,一定是被这些因素困扰的。


D 型人~~
你 是积极努力认真派,你对自己要求很高,但一旦遇到和你脾气相似的人,你们就很有惺惺相惜的感觉,因而相谈甚欢。你虽然表面看起来有些严肃,但是其实你单 纯善良,你的想法总是积极的,你有很强的自我调节能力,所以即使你遇到苦难,也能很好的处理,你在朋友是最乖的朋友,因为当你真心喜欢一个人的时候,你的 贴心和用心会不自然的流露出来,你个朋友的关系看似平淡,但其实双方心里的挂念,彼此都知道。


你 的废话不多,你喜欢观察,不管是人还是事物,你的心思慎密,眼光独到,你总能看出别人看不出的细节,你做事很有计划,这让朋友和你相处起来十分安心,因为 你不仅把自己处理得很稳妥,空闲时,还能帮朋友做一些小事,你能掌握别人的想法,你的观点总是比较有建材,也很特别,你很理智和现实,你不喜欢天马行空的 乱想,你觉得那样没意义。

你不喜欢想得太远,只要眼下快乐就好,你没什么想像力,你每天关心的是今天要做什么,怎么做。你的生活很简单,正常吃,喝,睡,闷了找人聊点无关要紧的事情,把事情打发走 。你对生活中的快乐与烦恼看得很开,你是个很容易满足的人。


I'm the D-type person..lol..how's about u?

Booking for a flight

Tuesday, November 9, 2010 4:55 PM Posted by Courney Chong 0 comments
Received a news ytd- Zero Seat fair start for 9/11-14/11
means we will have a cheap tickets for a flight to certain place on July next year (if we want to do so)
So, without any hestitation, I shared this news to Mr.Ng..and lol..at the same time he also reading the same news too..haha..kebetulan
Then we came out of an idea that we should take this chance to take a visit to Sabah (labuan n KK) where Ye studied at!
Urgent discussion was held at the whole ytd night!
Thx for Karkar's help, the flight tickets booking is settled by this morning.
We will have a trip together! a trip to visit orang utan( according to karkar)..haha
Cant wait for that..actually all of us cant wait for that! May god bless everything is going well..

Karkar's birthday late celebration

4:19 PM Posted by Courney Chong 0 comments
Karkar's birthday late celebration

Back Ipoh for 2 weeks..and it was the day that I waited so long time
(muka happy cuz it was the time I could go out for a whole day with my friends after I had been trapped in the house for 2 weeks)
Plan was go on like what we had planned..
Had our breakfast (Nam Xiong char keow teow which we missed so much escpecially Mr.Ng lah)
Reached our 1st station-Ipoh Parade. Took 2 hrs walk at there. Enough for our big boss to enjoy the ipoh's feel there..hehe..
Reached our 2nd station-JJ. Having a lots of fun at there.
There had a little pet exhibition and we took some pics with the pets (cant imagine we still curious like the kids and Aman was brave enough to hold a snake and took pic with it! Geng!)Postponed our lunch time since we scare we were not having enough time to celebrate karkar's birthday.
Having a great movie- Life as We Know It- with a gang of my good friends (Aman, Karkar, Tantat, Tiff and Vix)
Btw, we took some pics before we entered the cinema and it was so fun!
Yat Cheong Da Bao Lei Tou!
lol..its time have our small celebration for Mr.Ng.
Aman and Tiff bought a cake and waited at Boston (idk whether is karkar know we are buying a cake for him..haha..whatever we just bring him to have a lunch)
Good to see him happy to receive the cake from us..lol..he said he miss the cake so much
Then we gave the presents that we had prepared for him..
hehe..i think he never aspect we will gave him such gift (though he had suspect, he certainly guessing the wrong answer lah..nkw, u must thx me and tantat oh =P )
Little incident happened in Boston..We were too high taking pic at there until Aman broke the cup at there..lol..we became the attention of the sight suddenly..paisei leh..)

as life is goes on....we are always close together...

Jungle Uni's news

Well..it's not a latest news as it had been happened few days ago till now
For your information, my Uni and its state (Kedah) and other state like Perlis and Kelantan as well are facing a serious problem- heavy rain+ flooding..
Kinda sad when hear of it and felt worring too about the situation there as this phenomenon hvnt turn better and predicted will become worst by the following days...
worrying about my friends who trapped in the campus too (from what i heard they are lack of food supply now!! and there will no electricity and water supply soon!..is tat a hell for them? May god bless them faster escape from it)
From what I observed frm Facebook, every bus which can enter the Uni campus like a saving boat for them now..friends, pls dont miss any chance and grabbed it tightly..
Due to the flood, our Uni's final exam schedule also had been affected..(this is the latest news for today lah)
Many responses had been given via fb..lol...happy? sad? worrying? relax?
All kind of feelings also have..
No much mood for that, the holiday- long or short..it just same to me
Btw, kinda relax a bit, cause can grab more time to prepare my final
But the only thing is, my study weeks become study month
and according to the seniors, many suprises had been given by UUM's management system
hmm..and they not really happy with that..
well, it just my 1st time
I wont complain it..lol..not sound lc.. so dont beat pls..haha