Busy Monday

Monday, April 5, 2010 10:15 PM Posted by Courney Chong
Went many places this morning
Accompany my dad to make over all his IC and driving lisence
Lol..I so happy as I have done a good deed today
I help other aunty uncles whose I dunno to fill the forms to renew their IC and driving lisence while I also help my dad to fill those kind of forms too..
Lol..btw, I think that the govn really have to employ some stuffs to provide a better servise for citizen

I also accompany my dad to go CIMB, Maxis center, Chen Sum Lok's photoshop, and Hp shop too
gosh..I saw a Nokia 6760 slide at that shop
and I also have a chance to play that hp
I love it at my 1st touch on it! Nice!
I think I might buy that hp within this week le...hehe
Not I dunwan the hp which are more advanced..but I think I will think about it after I finish study and come out to work..then it will be the time for me to own an iphone (or others more jieng geh)..hehe

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